Irene Molina, Professor in Human Geography, from the  Department of Social and Economic Geography at Uppsala University. She is the Head of the Institute for Housing and Urban Research, IBF, and the co-director of the newly created Center for Multidisciplinary Research on Racism CemFor at the same university. Molina’s research concerns the urban as a space embedded with power relations, with a specific focus on racialization, discrimination, class, gender and intersectionality. Her current research interest focus on housing and displacement in Sweden.


Don Mitchell, Professor of Cultural Geography at Uppsala University and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Geography at Syracuse University. Mitchell’s research has contributed to understandings of the production of landscape in relation to laborers as well as the production and meaning of public space, with a particular focus on the exclusion of marginalized groups. In his research he focuses on the cultural, political economy of landscape, social theory, labor, geographies of power and marginalization.

Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography published by Taylor and Francis on behalf of the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography is the proud sponsor of Prof Don Mitchell’s keynote at NGM 2017


Johan Rockström, director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre and a professor of environmental science at Stockholm University, is an internationally recognized scientist for his work on global sustainability. His research on planetary boundaries and the development of a framework to create a “safe operating space for humanity” has generated significant attention within international science, policy and practice. As a consequence, Rockström acts as an advisor to several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings.


Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Professor at the Department of Geography, National University of Singapore. Yeoh’s research pertains to migration and gender, the politics of space in colonial and postcolonial cities, transnationalism and landscape of heritage amongst other topics. She is also the Research Leader of the Asian Migration Cluster at the Asia Research Institute. In her recent research she writes about construction of gender and migration, and the politics and practices of mobility.

Update: Brenda Yeoh has unfortunately been unable to come to the conference. We are very pleased to announce that  Lawrence D Berg will give a talk in the assembly hall on the interesting subject: “Producing Anxiety in the Neoliberal Universities of Northern Europe”.