Abstracts are invited from all disciplinary backgrounds to the listed panels. Please submit only one abstract to the conference. Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail both to the panel convener/s and to devres2016@humangeo.su.se. Abstracts should have a maximum length of 250 words, in plain text, and be saved in Word format. Name the file by stating the number of the panel you are submitting to, followed by your surname, ex 12_Surname.docx. Please adhere to the following format:
- Name of the panel
- Title of the abstract (lowercase letters)
- Author’s name and e-mail
- Author’s institutional affiliation
- Body of the abstract
The selection of abstracts will be made by the panel convener/s and the organizing committee. Abstract authors will be notified during the second half of April and accepted abstracts will be published on the conference webpage. Panel conveners will organize their sessions and coordinate the submission of full papers.
Limited travel funding will be available for researchers from a selection of countries (see pdf below). It can be applied for in connection with the abstract submission, by stating this in the abstract and by enclosing your CV and a letter of motivation (including whether the applicant has other funding available). Successful applicants will be notified during the second half of April.
Deadline for abstracts is March 21.